February 17, 2015

Beach day with Randy and Mitcho

Maha'ulepu is the very best beach.

Great color, great waves!

February 8, 2015

Kokee Snow

We have this lichen at home too, isn't it beautiful? Here's where it's living.

Castor plant, even the weeds can be ornamental on Kauai.

Are you tired of this view yet?

February 5, 2015

Mahalepu hike again

It's just so darn gorgeous and 15 minutes from home.

All blue skies today.

February 1, 2015

Triple Falls on Kokee Hike

Mahaulepu Hike

Great day for a hike along the coast to Mahaulepu. Saw many Humpback Whales, Pacific Golden Plovers and Nene (Hawaiian Geese).