July 20, 2010

Yachats Lunch

Esther, Diane & Lisa looking for the Indian Pipe

(Lisa took the photos in the last post)

Celebrating success with lunch in Yachats.

Indian Pipe

Indian Pipe or Ghost Flower in Washburne CG

Monotropa uniflora takes sustenance from

nearby trees with the aid of a fungus

It has no chlorophyll and cannot make it's own food.

July 18, 2010

Marbled Murrelet Survey

4:53 AM it's still pretty dark but you can hear them

7:30 AM surveyors packed the Green Salmon in Yachats

Marbled Murrelets are seabirds that nest in old growth trees.

Populations have sharply declined due to habitat degradation

on land and in the ocean. It was very thrilling to hear and see

them as they returned to their nests.

July 8, 2010

Oregon Master Naturalist Training

Stewart Schultz, author of The Northwest Coast,

A Natural History gave a great presentation followed 

by a field trip to the beach yesterday.

The topic was the dunes and sandy beaches.